
7 Evidence-Based Tips For Losing Weight

Chiropractor, Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss

It seems that once you search online for anything to do with losing weight, you’ll start seeing random ads for health gurus, 3-step plans, and magic pills that cut belly fat.

Unfortunately, any weight loss plan that forgets diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices isn’t one that works. It’s best to stick to the evidence-based facts if you’re serious about losing weight.

7 Truly Effective Tips For Losing Weight

We should mention that losing weight is different for everyone. Your weight loss journey will depend on your current lifestyle, your body type, and the particular challenges that your life offers.

These tips are generally effective for most people. If you stick to the well-documented methods, you’re most likely to see results across the board.

Drink More Water

Drinking enough water is something that most people fail to do. It might seem like the recommended volume per day for your body type is excessive, but keep in mind that drinking water helps you burn fat.

Getting water into your system boosts your metabolism, curbs your hunger, and provides a wide range of other health benefits.

Get a big reusable bottle of water, keep it on you at all times, and sip on it throughout the day. That’s the best way to get all of the water you need. The alternative is drinking larger (but still healthy) amounts at one time, which is pretty tough to do.

Understand How Food Interacts With Your Body

Think of all the food marketing that you’ve been exposed to throughout your life and how it can often conflict with earlier reports. Are eggs healthy for you or not? How much of the information we receive about food is actually accurate?

We’ve even found out that the food pyramid that was pushed in schools for decades is actually pretty suspect and was the result of lobbying from certain industries.

That means that a lot of our ideas about food might not be based on actual evidence. You need to understand what carbs do in the body, how dietary fiber operates, and what portions are healthy for your lifestyle.

A foundational understanding of food should direct and inform your dietary choices. Instead of getting a diet soda, you might take a look at the back of the bottle and choose to drink water instead.

Reduce Carb, Sugar, and Starch Intake

A lot of times, unhealthy weight gain is the result of too much sugar going into the body. Carbs are broken down into sugar, so eating excessive amounts of it leads to fat buildup.

Our bodies store fat in case we need it later. A couple of thousand years ago, that fat would have been crucial for survival. Now, this excess fat is the thing that leads to an untimely death for thousands of people each year.

So, identify the excess sugars and carbs in your diet and work to cut them out.

Focus on Protein

Try offsetting a portion of your carb intake with protein. Consuming protein throughout the day can prompt your body to use more calories, as well as reduce your feelings of hunger.

It’s also important to remember that not all proteins are created equal. There are nine essential amino acids that comprise protein. Not all sources of protein contain all nine of these acids.

Those sources that do are called “complete proteins.” Most meats offer complete proteins, while other sources are host to just a few of the amino acids you need in your diet.

There are certainly non-meat complete proteins. Many beans and seeds offer great sources.

Exercise Enough

We say “enough,” because many weight loss programs lead make you think that you have to be constantly busting your butt to see results in losing weight.

You should be doing what you can that will be sustainable in the long run. Many of us have probably experienced a time when we started with a goal, pushed far too hard in the beginning, and ended up just quitting.

The same goes for changing your diet, getting more sleep, or achieving any other goal. Don’t count on brute force and dedication if that’s not who you are. Be forgiving of yourself and have the foresight to set healthy expectations.

For some people, exercising in any way might be a challenge in the beginning. That’s a challenge that will greatly help your weight loss efforts once you develop a routine. So, get up and get some cardio, but don’t set your sights so high that they’re unreachable.

Work With a Coach

What’s more motivating than paying a professional when you have to get something important done?

Working with a weight loss coach is a method that will provide better results than working on your own. You need someone you can trust to keep you in check and offer the most effective suggestions and programs when it comes to losing weight.

Instead of doing your research alone and trying to hold yourself accountable, this person will give you the information and motivation you need. While it might be a little daunting to work out with someone pushing you, the results that come are well worth the initial struggle.

Programs like our Medical Weight Loss are just the thing to get you motivated and start seeing results with the help of a pro.

Address Your Stress

Weight gain is a complicated issue. It happens as a result of imbalances in your life. Not just with food and exercise. Another one of those imbalances is stress.

If you experience chronic stress, you might notice a significant amount of weight gain. It’s not stress alone that causes this, but our body’s responses to stress. When your body is stressed, your cortisol levels spike, and your blood sugar drops.

When this happens, we crave sugar. We want to eat sugary snacks, bread, and other things packed with carbs. This cycle continues and the habit of unhealthy eating turns into a coping mechanism, and our health suffers.

Taking care of stress in whatever way you can is an important key to establishing a lifestyle change and living a healthier life.

Ready to Make a Change?

Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier you? Contact Us and learn about how we help our patients achieve their weight loss goals.

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