Acupuncture is an incredible tool to help our patients heal from more than just muscle aches and pain. Acupuncture can also treat chronic headaches and migraines and restore energy balance to reduce stress levels.
Conditions We Treat with Acupuncture
Stress & Anxiety
In today’s fast paced world, everyone experiences at least some level of stress and anxiety. These have been proven to raise blood pressure, increase your risk of heart disease, and can prevent you from getting proper rest and sleep.
Nerve Issues
Neurological issues such as sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome are common conditions we treat at 417 Spine. Symptoms of these problems can be severe and can range from numbness and tingling in the hands or legs to loss of muscle strength and burning sensations.
Almost 50% of people struggle with chronic headaches. They are one of the most common causes for missing work and valuable time with family. At 417 Spine, we help educate patients on the different types of headaches as well as how we can help eliminate them long term.
What is Acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.
How Acupuncture Helps You
Reduces Pain
Pain relief is one of the top benefits of acupuncture. It can help reduce tension in the back and neck and alleviate pain in the spinal joints. Acupuncture is a drug-free way to address common pain complaints and reduce inflammation in these areas.
Relieves Headaches & Migraines
Patients struggling with chronic headaches and migraines who do not want to have prescription medications as part of their treatment protocol find tremendous relief with acupuncture treatments.
Several studies reported in the National Institutes of Health found that acupuncture treatment was effective in reducing both the frequency and severity of headaches among chronic sufferers. It may also be more effective than pain-reducing medications in treating tension headaches.
Reduces Stress
One of the primary reasons people seek acupuncture treatment is to reduce their stress levels. Restoring energy balance and triggering nervous system responses is a key factor in lowering the body’s stress reaction. Acupuncture lowers stress hormone levels and improves mood to help reduce feelings of anxiety and increase feelings of happiness.
Explore Related Services
Electric Muscle Stimulation
Massage Therapy
Spinal Manipulation
Get Your Life Back
Our team at 417 Spine is committed to your well-being and we share one common goal. Long-term relief. Call us today and move one step closer to health that comes naturally.
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