
What Are The Benefits of Custom-Made Orthotics?

Chiropractor, Exercise, Orthotics, Pain Relief

What are Orthotics and Why Should Someone Get Them?

Functional orthotics are prescription “shoe inserts.” They’re custom-made to easily slide into your shoe and support the unique shape of your feet. They replace the generic insole included with shoes and are designed to align your spine, hips, and neck.

Just as everyone has a unique personality, everyone has a unique body structure and foot shape. The benefit of using custom-made orthotics, rather than generic, mass-produced ones, is that they’re perfectly fitted to your feet and your body.

Why Do I Need Them “Custom-Made?”

Your health is paramount. Wearing custom-made orthotics will ensure that you stay at the pinnacle of performance for the longest possible time. Our orthotics optimize the body by:

  • Providing momentum for movement
  • Permitting flexibility to accommodate changes in terrain
  • Giving strength to support the weight of the entire body

When it comes to your health, custom-made is the only grade of orthotics that will truly benefit you. Posture starts from the ground up. Custom-made, functional orthotics in Springfield Missouri help maintain the foot’s three-arch structure called the plantar vault, which helps correct spine, neck, and hip alignment. Generic, over-the-counter orthotics only support one arch, and are manufactured to fit the “average” foot.

Custom Orthotics Offer Three-Arch Support

When you look down at the underside of your feet, how many arches do you see? One? Two? Foot Levelers custom-made, functional orthotics support each arch with the 3 Arch Advantage, which is built into all of our orthotics.

Foot Levelers functional orthotics support the three arches, the 26 bones and 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your foot. They help maintain the structure of the plantar vault to help balance the entire body.

Over-the-counter orthotics only support one arch in your foot. When only one arch is being supported, it may not maintain the structure of your plantar vault, and problems can arise in other parts of the body.

Better Than Over The Counter Orthotics

You might be still wondering if custom-made orthotics are really worth it. You may be asking yourself, “Can’t I just go to the store and buy the cheaper orthotics?”

You can go to the store and buy the cheaper orthotics. You can also get reading glasses that aren’t your prescription, or the over-the-counter pain medicine that only masks your symptoms.

The difference in our functional orthotics is focused on your overall health. They offer more than just short-term symptom relief. Functional orthotics help support whole-body wellness for a lifetime.

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